Thursday, April 22, 2010

CHICAGOLAND: a new musical developed by The Inconvenience, Chicago.

Oh snap, first day doing the Atlanta blog thing, and already I have to throw a shoutout to my Chicago homies...I'll frame it this way: if any Atlantans head to Chicago and want to see the best of the best in the Chicago independent circuit, The Inconvenience is the place to go. It's much more than any loft-scene attempts or pretends to be and with each season comes a bigger and more ambitious project out of the collective.

Anyway, the kind folks at the Inconvenience are opening a play at the Chopin Theater this weekend. It only runs for 3 days, but if you find yourself anywhere near Chicago this weekend, you owe it to yourself to check it out. (it's running after the House Theater's show which is also a good bet for a night of fine theater).

Check out the blog and if you're ever in Chicago check out the Inconvenience and holler at my homies.

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